MiniEx 2020
MINIEX 2020 will be held at the RA Centre on Thursday, February 6, 2020, from 6 p.m. (room to be confirmed).
MiniEx is an annual community event designed to showcase and celebrate the activities and work of the members of the stamp clubs in Ottawa/Gatineau and the surrounding area. It includes exhibits, an auction, and a public program. Visitors are welcome.
MiniEx is organized and administered by a joint committee of the RA Stamp Club, the APO Stamp Club and the Ottawa Philatelic Society and with participation of local dealers and the local collecting community.
MiniEx is especially designed to encourage collectors who wish to develop and display exhibits, and members of all clubs in the region are invited to enter their exhibits at MINIEX.
Exhibits can be 1 Frame with 1 to 16 pages, and will be accepted in the following categories:
1- BNA (which includes Canada)
2- World
3- Postal History
4- Topical (any topic, any form of presentation)
5- Small Exhibit (one or two pages only)
6- Other (Display, Post Cards, etc.)
Guidelines for exhibitors
For all MiniEx exhibitors the rule is that what is shown must be an exhibit offered for the first time outside the member’s home club. MINIEX especially welcomes first time exhibitors, and it also encourages exhibits that consist of philatelic material easily affordable by all.
Each exhibit will be assessed by a panel of judges and given a grade: Platinum (95-100 points), Gold (85-94), Silver (70-84), Bronze (1-69). The assessment by the judges will be based on the following guidelines and percentages:
- Does the exhibit set a goal and successfully reach it, that is, does it do what it sets out to do - for example, tell a story, explore an argument or thesis, analyze an issue? 40%
- Overall presentation: 30%
- Condition and quality of the material (regardless of "value"): 10%
- Scope of the material (philatelic elements): 10%
- Personal research, philatelic and related knowledge: 10%
In each category the exhibit earning the highest number of points will be awarded a prize. Other awards to be given are: a Grand Prize for the exhibit with the highest total of points; a New Exhibitor award; and, an award for the Most Popular Exhibit award covering all exhibits in all categories that will be determined by an attendee ballot vote.
Exhibitors should:
- Familiarize themselves with these guidelines.
- Assist with the judging by filling ouy the attached MiniEx Exhibit form, which should be given to the Exhibit's Coordinator one week in advance of MiniEx.
- Bring their exhibit to the Exhibits area from 3:00 to 5:30 on the day of MiniEx.
Time permitting, the judges will discuss the merits of any exhibit with the exhibitor. This will be especially valuable for those who wish to take exhibits to a higher level, but is available to all.
See Exhibit rules, above
See exhibit rules, above
The MiniEx Auction
The Auction, which is organized by the OPS and run by volunteers from the OPS and the RA Stamp Club, is a popular feature of MINIEX. A member of any club in the region may offer up to fifteen lots in the MINIEX Auction. All sales will be subject to a seller’s 15% fee. Lots must be registered, assigned lot numbers, and be available for display not later than 7 p.m. Maximum 15 lots per member. The MINIEX lot sheet and the regulations covering the Auction are appended.
MINIEX Auction Rules and Regulations
- A member of any club in the region may enter lots in the MINIEX Auction.
- Members wishing to enter items in the auction must register, giving their name, phone number, email address, and club, information that is required to ensure that all lots remain connected to their correct owners. Registration of lots will begin at 6.00 p.m. and end at 7:00 p.m.
- All items entered should have a MINIEX lotting sheet securely attached to it. Click on the link above to download the MINIEX lotting sheet. Do not use the OPS lotting sheet!!
- A member may enter up to 15 items [i.e.: 15 lots] in the auction.
- Members will be assigned their lot numbers when they register.
- Up to 400 lots may be entered in the auction, and when the registrar has assigned 400 lot numbers no additional lots will be accepted.
- If there are not 400 lots by 7:00 p.m., members who have already entered 15 lots may enter an additional number of lots. Therefore when members register their initial 15 lots, they must inform the registrar if they have additional lots they wish to enter. If there are not 400 lots by 7:00 pm, the registrar will call members with additional lots back to assign additional numbers. This will be done in the order that the initial lots were registered; i.e.: first come, first served.
- Members filling in the lot sheets should identify the year of the catalogue they used to value their item; for example: Scott 2015.
- Persons wishing to bid must register when they arrive and pick up their bidder’s number.
- Viewing at the auction begins at 7:00 p.m.
- Persons who wish to bid must write their bids in the spaces provided on the lot sheet using the bidding increments at the bottom of the MINIEX lot sheet.
- A lot will be sold to the highest bid on the lot sheet.
- Bidding will close at 8.00 p.m. sharp.
- Successful bidders will be able to pick up and pay for their purchases once the evening’s program is completed. MINIEX Auction will retain 15% of the sale price of each lot sold.
- Sales receipts and unsold lots will be available for pickup after the payments from successful bidders is completed.
- The Auction is administered by the Ottawa Philatelic Society. Rulings and decisions of the MINIEX Auction Administrator appointed by the OPS are final.
Congratulations to our members!
APO winning members who exhibited at the 2014 Orapex Exposition, Ottawa, Ontario
Ronald Lefebvre received a Silver-Bronze for: The
1976 Olympic Games in Montreal;
Jonathan Gauvreau received 2 Silver for Titanic and First Canadian Prime Airmail Stamp;
Nicole Lacourse received a Silver-Bronze for Tonga and Vermeil for: Unusual Stamps of Bhutan;
Reva Qiu granddaughter of our member, Yucheng, won Vermeil for: Pets through time. In addition, she received an Award of Excellence, the Grand Prize for the best exposure for the youth and the Grand Prize for Youth (American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors).